Saturday, June 8, 2024

Prosecution Rests Case in Hunter Biden Trial

"Hunter Biden has been charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.
He has pleaded not guilty.
Federal prosecutors wrapped up their gun case against
Hunter Biden on Friday with two final witnesses in their effort to prove that the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form when he said he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.
Prosecutors called an
FBI forensic chemist, Jason Brewer, who tested a residue found on the leather pouch that contained Hunter Biden’s gun. It came back positive for cocaine, though the amount was minimal, he told jurors. A Drug Enforcement Administration agent testified about text messages Hunter Biden sent to alleged dealers.
Their testimony capped a week that has been largely dedicated to highlighting the seriousness of
Hunter Biden’s drug problem through highly personal and often revealing testimony. Defense attorneys may now call witnesses.
Jurors heard Thursday from
Hunter Biden's his ex-wife and a former girlfriend who testified about his habitual crack use and their failed efforts to help him get clean. They saw images of the president's son bare-chested and disheveled in a filthy room, and half-naked holding crack pipes. And they watched video of his crack cocaine weighed on a scale.
Prosecutor say the evidence is necessary to prove that
Hunter, 54, was in the throes of addiction when he bought the gun and therefore lied when he checked “no” on the form that asked whether he was "an unlawful user of, or addicted to" drugs.
Prosecutors have played lengthy audio excerpts in court of his 2021 memoir "Beautiful Things," in which he writes about his lifelong addiction issues and spiraling descent after death of his brother Beau in 2015. The book, written after he got sober, covers the period he had the gun but doesn't mention it specifically.
Lowell has said Hunter Biden's state of mind was different when he wrote the book than when he purchased the gun, when he didn’t believe he had an addiction." Newsmax

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Joe Biden's Brother Embroiled In High-Ranking Qatari Scheme To "Provide Wealth Of Introductions" Through "My Family": Politico

"Politico reports that the Biden family's ties to Qatar "would constitute some of the closest known financial links between a relative of President Joe Biden and a foreign government," if courtroom testimony about Jim Biden's foreign fundraising efforts is substantiated.
Qatar's neighbors - led by Saudi Arabia, banded together and cut diplomatic ties with the country, citing its alleged support for terrorism. As a result, the country was thrown into a sustained crisis.
Qatari rulers began showering well-connected Westerners with gifts and financial benefits, according to Politico, "sometimes in the form of investment funding."
Around this time, Jim Biden was trying to raise $30 million for embattled hospital chain Americore - teaming up with Florida businessman Amer Rustom, CEO of the Platinum Group, who boasted of his ties to officials in the Middle East, as well as fund manager Michael Lewitt. 
Together, the three sought investment funding from various Middle Eastern sources for Americore and other ventures - "which came to focus largely on Qatar," according to a former Americore executive who spoke on condition of anonymity.
According to public records obtained by the outlet, Jim Biden leveraged ties to his older brother and "sought workarounds to restrictions on international money movements," including one discussion about trying to move money across a Middle Eastern border in the form of gold bars that may or may not have happened.
"My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency," Jim Biden and Rustom wrote in a draft letter to an official at the Qatari sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority. "On behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here," the draft continues.
Transactions related to the efforts are central to a recently settled fraud case brought by the SEC and are under fresh scrutiny as part of a federal criminal investigation in South Florida.
Jim Biden suggested to congressional investigators in February that his fundraising efforts stalled for lack of viable projects to back. But the previously unreported testimony by fund manager Michael Lewitt about the ownership of the two companies — the Platinum Group USA and Obermeyer Engineering Consulting — indicates that Jim Biden forged closer ties to Qatar’s government than previously understood. -Politico
In February of this year, Jim Biden told impeachment inquiry investigators that roughly $600,000 in payments from Americore
were for his role in arranging a series of bridge loans - of which $200,000 was transferred to Joe Biden in March 2018 for what the White House claims is a repayment of an unrelated loan between brothers.
In a March 10, 2018 draft presentation emailed from Jim Biden’s wife, Sara Biden, to a Platinum Group executive, Julie Lander, Americore touted Jim as "Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden."
One month later, Lander emailed Jim Biden about the fundraising efforts - referencing an apparent meeting with a high-ranking Qatari official.
"I am following up from the meeting we had with the Minister," wrote Lander. "Your approach with him was flawless. He requested more information on Americore."
In the previously unreported email, Lander suggested a potential request of $200 million and asked Jim Biden to provide more information on the potential benefits to Qatar of an investment deal.
Lander’s email came five days after a large delegation of Qatari officials and business leaders visited Miami. It is not clear which minister Lander, who did not respond to requests for comments, was referring to. -Politico
Despite Lander's upbeat email to Jim Biden, fundraising efforts hit a 'series of snags,' according to Politico's anonymous former Americore source, who said that they were facing restrictions on moving investment funds across borders, and that the former executive "recalled discussion at one point of trying to move money across a Middle Eastern border in the form of gold bars, but said they were not aware of any action taken on the idea."
In order to solve their problem, Jim Biden explored working with payment processing company "Billerfy," described as an "open network for global payments," for which Jim Biden could be their "chief global banking emissary" - until Americore's outside counsel, Christopher Anderson, shot it down.
With progress in Qatar slowing in mid-May of 2018 during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, tensions grew between Jim Biden and his comrades - with Jim Biden venting to Americore CEO Grant White in a May 17 email that he had "agreed to go to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China (at my own expense)."
A week later, Jim Biden complained to Rustom over the unsecured funds - writing that "The $30 million was committed to over two months ago and we made moves predicated on that available line of credit," adding "Things have happened in the interim that are completely understandable, but the fact remains that the $5 million at this point in time is critical in order to get by for the big picture."
Then in late June, Lewitt emailed Jim Biden and White about trying to move money from Dubai to Qatar, referencing an unspecified "blockage" that was hindering the process.
"Amer would like me to join Jim for the presentation to the Finance Minister in Doha so as soon as we have the date I will plan my travel," the email concluded.
The former Americore executive said that Jim Biden and Lewitt traveled to Qatar in mid-2018 as part of the fundraising efforts, but it is not clear whether any meeting between Jim Biden and Qatar’s then-finance minister, Ali Sharif Al Emadi, took place.
Al Emadi left his post in 2021 after Qatar’s attorney general ordered him arrested on suspicion of corruption. In January, Reuters reported that he was convicted on charges that included laundering more than $5 billion and sentenced to 20 years in prison. -Politico
Efforts to secure funding continued into August of 2018, as Jim Biden continued to work with Lewitt and Rustom to secure financing from the Qatar Investment Authority for other health care ventures, according to filings in a since-settled federal court case in Tennessee in which the three were named as co-defendants.
As they continued to work together, Jim Biden's financial ties to Lewitt deepened - with Lewitt's investment fund, Third Friday, paying Jim Biden's company, Lion Hall Groujp, $225,000 over the course of 2019. While Biden testified that this was a forgiven loan, Lewitt disputed it - telling Politico that Jim Biden's debt was assumed by an unnamed third party.
At the end of the day, Qatar and everyone else balked at the deal.
"We weren’t able to show the financial bona fides of any one particular project," said Jim Biden during his impeachment inquiry interview. "We got pretty far down the road on several hotel complexes, but they never came to fruition."
Meanwhile, in 2022, investors in Third Friday sued Lewitt, accusing him of embezzlement through Americore to Jim Biden and others. Lewitt has denied wrongdoing in the ongoing case, while Jim Biden has not been named a defendant.
Lastly, the partners are now locked in a bitter legal dispute. During the course of Americore's bankruptcy litigation, documents produced by Lewitt included an agreement between his fund and a Delaware company, Obermeyer Engineering Consulting - which calls for Obermeyer to purchase Third Friday's loans to Americore, along with a 35% stake in the hospital chain, for $30 million.
The agreement includes a signature from Azzam Rustom as Obermeyer’s "authorized signatory," which Amer Rustom - Obermayer's 'manager,' contested - saying it the signature was faked.
Lewitt said during testimony that Amer Rustom 'verbally authorized' him to fake his signature on the disputed documents.
"Towards the end of the hearing Lewitt was asked why, if the agreements he produced were valid, the Rustoms were contesting them."
Lewitt testified that the Rustoms owned both Obermeyer and the Platinum Group with “members of the Qatari government.” He speculated that the brothers had not cleared the agreements with the Qatari officials, whom he did not name. “I don’t think they expected these to become public,” he testified, “and I think they were trying to cover themselves.” -Politico
According to the judge in the case, "Where there’s smoke, there’s fire," adding "and this is a black haze right now." ZeroHedge

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Justice Department Says James Biden Associate Conspired to Defraud Medicare

"Justice Department (DOJ) filing on Friday accused James Biden’s associate and Mississippi businessman, Keaton Langston, of conspiring to defraud Medicare.

The filing is likely to increase “scrutiny” on
James Biden and perhaps President Joe Biden. The filing targets the lucrative “Americore” deal in which the SEC accused Americore’s hospital in Pennsylvania to be a part of a scheme to defraud Medicare.

Both Langston and James Biden were involved with Americore. James helped Americore with regulatory approvals to acquire the Pennsylvania hospital while also working to secure overseas investors.

In September, the Securities and Exchange Commission accused one of Jim Biden’s business partners of fraud related to loans to the company, allegations the business partner has denied.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department found that Americore’s hospital in Pennsylvania entered into sham service agreements and paid kickbacks as part of a scheme that billed the government for medically unnecessary lab tests the hospital shipped out to be performed elsewhere.

Those actions are at the center of a federal prosecution of a $100 million conspiracy to defraud Medicare that has netted a guilty plea from the recipient of the kickbacks, and, according to a person familiar with the case, remains ongoing.

During James Biden’s interview with the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, James Biden distanced himself from Langston by claiming he had no role in the scheme and was not involved in any entities with Langston.

However, Politico reported that “Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood” and that “investor materials described Jim Biden as an adviser to his older brother.”

James Biden received a $200,000 loan from Americore based on his association with Joe Biden, and on the same day, James cut Joe Biden a $200,000 check." 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Biden Family Lawyer Abbe Lowell Served as Legal Representative for Member of Chinese Criminal Gang Involved in Drug Trade

"Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell served as a legal representative
for a member of a
Chinese criminal gang involved in the international drug trade.....Lowell was a legal representative for Ng Lap Seng, who is believed to be a member of the Shui Fong triad which is reportedly involved in the international drug trade. The revelation is significant because Lowell’s ties to an alleged member of a criminal gang involved in the drug trade provides a possibly embarrassing entanglement for President Biden in light of his administration’s weak policy on fentanyl." 

Friday, February 2, 2024

Hunter Compares Himself to Famous Dead Children in History

"Hunter Biden reportedly compared himself to famous dead children in history within a recent court filing.
The filing is the latest defense used by
Hunter in his gun case. Hunter’s lawyers contend he was “selectively charged” for political reasons.
Known for his infamous addiction to crack cocaine, smoking parmesan cheese, and participating in illicit sexual activities, Hunter used Greek and Roman mythology to defend himself, constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley wrote Thursday, mocking the president’s son.
In his bizarre filing comparing himself to famous dead children in history, Hunter refers to Hector, the son of the King of Troy as ‘murdered’ by Odysseus,” Turley posted on X. “It was actually Achilles and it was a fair fight. Will the National Hellenic Society move to strike?
He further explained in a New York Post op-ed:
Hunter profited massively from the Biden name, but now, his lawyer Abbe Lowell argues, he’s suffering from the “burden” of parentage. To back up this argument, Lowell cites Plyler v. Doe, a case involving the providing of free education to the children of illegal immigrants, to say that the Constitution, “prevents the government from inflicting harm on children for the conduct of their parents. “That’s right, Joe Biden is like an undocumented migrant father who carried his kid over the border for a better life.
Hunter also cites cases involving children born out of wedlock in need of court protection. The argument is particularly ironic since Hunter Biden fought to prevent his daughter Navy Joan from using his last name.
It then gets even weirder. Hunter tells the court that it is precisely “great privilege” that makes children like him “the target of animus for that very reason . . . History is replete with children of political figures being abducted and assassinated literally (e.g., murder of Romanov children by Russian revolutionaries) or figuratively (e.g., Odysseus murdering the son of Crown Prince Hector when sacking Troy).
The court filing comes after prosecutors revealed in January that authorities found cocaine residue on Hunter Biden’s gun pouch in 2018, hindering his legal defense against three gun charges.
Hunter faces three criminal charges related to his possession of a firearm.
The indictment did not include any Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) or tax violations." 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

GOP Lawmakers Confront Hunter Biden at Contempt Hearing: ‘You Have No Balls’

"Republican lawmakers confronted Hunter Biden at Wednesday’s hearing to hold him in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
In what appeared to be a public relations stunt,
Hunter Biden, along with his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, and so-called “sugar brother,” Kevin Morris, showed up at the hearing.
Congressional leaders could have sent the House Sergeant at Arms to arrest and detain
Hunter for failing to comply with a subpoena.
You are the epitome of white privilege…You have no balls…I think Hunter Biden should be arrested right here, right now, and go to jail,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said, directing her gaze towards the president’s son.
Hunter and his posse immediately left the hearing when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began to speak. “[He] sits here with a smug look on his face and runs away when it’s my turn to talk,” she said."

Friday, December 8, 2023

Hunter Biden Indicted on Nine Tax-Related Charges, Three Felonies

"Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been indicted on nine charges, including three felonies, for allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment, and filing a fraudulent form.
The 56-page indictment filed in a federal court in Los Angeles on Thursday alleged that the president’s son “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle” rather than pay his taxes, per NBC News. 
The indictment also alleges that Hunter Biden willfully failed to pay his 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 taxes on time, despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes.
Prosecutors also allege in the indictment that he ‘subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company’ by withdrawing millions of dollars outside of its payroll and tax withholding process,” noted the outlet."