Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Justice Department Says James Biden Associate Conspired to Defraud Medicare

"Justice Department (DOJ) filing on Friday accused James Biden’s associate and Mississippi businessman, Keaton Langston, of conspiring to defraud Medicare.

The filing is likely to increase “scrutiny” on
James Biden and perhaps President Joe Biden. The filing targets the lucrative “Americore” deal in which the SEC accused Americore’s hospital in Pennsylvania to be a part of a scheme to defraud Medicare.

Both Langston and James Biden were involved with Americore. James helped Americore with regulatory approvals to acquire the Pennsylvania hospital while also working to secure overseas investors.

In September, the Securities and Exchange Commission accused one of Jim Biden’s business partners of fraud related to loans to the company, allegations the business partner has denied.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department found that Americore’s hospital in Pennsylvania entered into sham service agreements and paid kickbacks as part of a scheme that billed the government for medically unnecessary lab tests the hospital shipped out to be performed elsewhere.

Those actions are at the center of a federal prosecution of a $100 million conspiracy to defraud Medicare that has netted a guilty plea from the recipient of the kickbacks, and, according to a person familiar with the case, remains ongoing.

During James Biden’s interview with the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, James Biden distanced himself from Langston by claiming he had no role in the scheme and was not involved in any entities with Langston.

However, Politico reported that “Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood” and that “investor materials described Jim Biden as an adviser to his older brother.”

James Biden received a $200,000 loan from Americore based on his association with Joe Biden, and on the same day, James cut Joe Biden a $200,000 check." 