Friday, June 23, 2023

Ernst: The President’s Son ‘Illegally’ Obtained a Firearm and Got a Pass While ‘Lawful Gun Owners’ Are Under Fire

"Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) reacted to the Department of Justice’s plea
deal with
Hunter Biden by noting that Hunter was given a pass on things for which lawful American gun owners would be punished.
As part of the deal, Hunter admitted to illegally possessing a gun despite being a drug user.
Although AFP described Hunter’s gun crime as “minor,” Breitbart News previously noted that the punishment for lying on an ATF form 4473–which is what Hunter allegedly did–in order to acquire a firearm is a prison sentence of up to a decade and/or upwards of a quarter of million dollars in fines. Those are the repercussions an average American could face for giving false answers on a form 4473 to conceal drug use." Breitbart

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