Friday, June 23, 2023

Joe Biden, Merrick Garland Implicated in IRS Whistleblower Testimony

"President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland may face tough questions after Thursday’s release of the testimony of an IRS whistleblower. 
Republicans released transcripts of two whistleblowers, one of whom said he had seen evidence that Joe Biden was present when his son, Hunter, attempted to pressure a Chinese investor to send them millions of dollars. The whistleblower, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary A. Shapley Jr., also said that the Department of Justice had interfered in the effort to investigate Hunter Biden for tax crimes — contrary to Garland’s claims.
Here are five key questions:
1. Was Joe Biden in the room when Hunter Biden pressured a Chinese investor to send money? Biden has said, numerous times, that he has never discussed his family’s business interests. 
2. Did Merrick Garland block a request to appoint a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case? Merrick Garland told Congress that U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware was given total freedom in pursuit of the Hunter Biden investigation, and that there was no involvement from the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. However, Shapley told Congress that Garland rejected a request from Weiss to appoint a special counsel, after the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia refused to prosecute Hunter Biden there.
3. Did Merrick Garland mislead Congress about Weiss’s ability to file cases in any state? In March, Garland told the Senate that U.S. Attorney Weiss would be able to bring charges against Hunter Biden, if necessary, outside of Delaware. But that did not happen, and Shapley testified that Weiss had been denied the ability to bring such charges in other jurisdictions, both in D.C. and in the Central District of California.
4. Did the Department of Justice slow-walk the Hunter Biden investigation to help Joe Biden? Shapley testified that career officials at the Department of Justice deliberately stalled the investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax violations so that they would hit the “window” before the 2020 presidential election and therefore have an excuse not to act, presumably to help Biden’s chances of defeating President Trump.
5. Did the Department of Justice obstruct justice by tipping off the Bidens? Shapley testified that Assistant U.S. Attorney Wolf warned Hunter Biden’s attorneys about potential aspects of the inquiry. In one case, she allegedly tipped them off about a possible search of Hunter Biden’s business documents." Breitbart

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